Regardless of the age at which your child was adopted, the teenage years present a unique challenge for a teen who is beginning to create their own identity. Early childhood trauma and upheavals, such as adoption or family struggles, can lead to complex identity questions later in life, questions that parents may not be able to help with.
With the help of a professional therapist from LifeLine for Youth, your child can work through their emotional issues with adoption.
The LifeLine for Youth program relies on multiple approaches to physical and mental well-being. Teens have access to:
Individual therapy, where they can privately discuss their emotions and thoughts
Group therapy, where they meet with a lead counselor and other teens in similar situations
Family therapy, where you join your teen and a therapist to talk about struggles unique to your family and your child’s adoption
We find that having multiple therapy options gives teens and their families the ability to pick the treatment styles that are best suited to them. It also creates a clearer pathway to reaching therapy objectives.
In addition to therapy, we offer recreational courses. Physical activity is a great form of distraction but also helps to promote a healthy lifestyle and improve mood, which can be helpful for teens who are struggling with emotional issues pertaining to their adoption.